Why Should I Give CBD to my Pet?

Nowadays, CBD seems to be everywhere, and people are using it for every reason. But does it really work for dogs and cats, too?Why, YES, it does! It’s not just a fad, but an all-natural way to help your pet feel good again! Remember when Lucky used to go on hikes with you, but now he stays home nursing sore joints? What about stressed dogs who can’t handle a trip to the vet or the strangers that visit at the holidays? Pet CBD is a perfect solution to solving the same health conditions humans face. Here is quick summary of why Fido loves CBD:
  •  REDUCES SWELLING AND DISCOMFORT IN SORE JOINTS:  Dogs often face joint issues like hip or elbow dysplasia, which can make movement limited and discomfortful. This is common in aging pets and it takes away that usual zest, limiting their ability to catch the frisbee, jump off the dock into the lake, or just keep up at the dog park. CBD is an all-natural, organic compound that interacts with Vanilloid Receptors throughout your pet’s body, which modulate discomfort levels. It also increases the availability of Anandamide, which is the chemical naturally produced that reduces both discomfort and swelling.
  • INCREASES MOBILITY:  Once the CBD is able to get into your pet’s body to reduce overall swelling, it increases the mobility your pet will have throughout the day. Your dog will no longer look and feel stiff and be held back by decreased mobility. You can take that daily jog with your canine companion right next to you, just like the old days.
  • LOWERS NERVOUSNESS:  Dogs experience stress and stress just like humans do. Separation stress, strangers or visitors to the house, traveling in vehicles, loud noises like fireworks, the doorbell, and of course, heading to the vet can all trigger your pet’s stress. A dose of CBD before a stressful situation will quiet your pet’s nervous system and give him or her a calmness needed during stress. Serotonin is a chemical in your pet’s brain that affects stress, low mood state, and overall mood. CBD engages serotonin receptors in the nervous system making the naturally-produced serotonin more available. The result is an all-natural sense of calm for your tail-wagging friend.
There is a growing amount of medical research currently happening related to the impact of CBD on dogs and cats. Early data suggest very positive impacts of CBD on the health of dogs and cats. A double-blind medical study from Cornell University about the impact of CBD on dogs shows that CBD is very effective at reducing discomfort. The results were significant, according to the researchers with over 80% of the dogs taking the CBD oil showing “significant improvement in discomfort levels and quality of life” without discernible side-effects. Read the study here: https://bit.ly/2znbV6t   Hooray for Pet CBD and the positive impact it makes!It is easy to find pet owners who have seen dramatic change in their pet’s health and behavior after CBD usage. Here are a few quotes from our own Mission Farms CBD consumer testing:
  • “We have been able to keep our girl discomfort free while off her normal arthritis medications!  It is very nice to be able to provide this discomfort control naturally!” – Chad, veterinarian.
  • “I wanted to say thank you on behalf of Finn. He loves the CBD oil and doesn’t have any problems consuming it. It’s helped him bark less and have less stress when I am away from home. I can tell he’s more comfortable, relaxed, and less stressed in general when he has his CBD.” – Rob and Lanie O.
  • “We have found that after using Mission Farms CBD on our 13 year old dog that her arthritis and knee discomfort has dissipated. This is without the recommended knee surgery, which we did not want to expose her to with her age.” – Laura and Chris
Try our Pet CBD Oil at Mission Farms CBD and become a believer in how CBD can help your pet feel good again!  A happy pet means a happy you!Visit www.missionfarmscbd.com/pet-cbd-oil to learn more or to purchase.Learn more about our Dosing Guidelines and how much CBD to give your pet in this blog article.